
Friday, May 23, 2014

Help! Getting married in hayfever season!

For those of us who dread summer just as much as we love it, hayfever is just the pits. Streaming puffy red eyes, running nose, sneezing. blotchy skin...the list of effects goes on and not one are ones you want on your wedding day. But if you are getting married in the summer and you suffer from hayfever, the likelihood of you and your makeup artist having to deal with some of these symptoms is pretty high.
So how to best deal with it? They thing about hayfever is it can be different for everyone and its important to treat both the symptoms and your own specific causes. Therefore, the products and routines I've listed are those that work for me, you might find that slight tweaks work better for you.
One of the most important things you can do if you have sore eyes is to wash your hands as often as possible and try your absolute hardest not to rub your eyes. Oddly enough, one thing I found to really help was getting lash extensions. I was so mindful of them that I made a trojan effort not to rub them. Next up is eye drops. I continue my search for the perfect drops and recently read this article in Vogue and have since ordered the drops recommended, Rohot if its vogue worthy then I reckon it might do the job!
For dry skin on the eyes, I find a combination of Cliniques Repairware Laser Focus  followed by Double Base Cream really addresses flakey skin. When eyes are red and swollen, old reliables like cold spoons and chamomile tea bags are best.
There's no point in pretending otherwise, this one is not pretty but I cannot recommend NeilMed Sinus rinse enough. It comes with a bottle and some pre prepared sachets of saline solution which you add to some pre-boiled and cooled to room temp in the bottle and shake. Now the fun part - lean your head over the skin and gentle squeeze the bottle up one nostril and wait for the water to come down the other (yep, lovely!) When you've used half the water, swap to the other nostril. I usually wait a little while and then use a spray of Prevalin. Since using this combo I've noticed a huge improvement in symptoms plus the added benefit of no drowsiness.
Sooth red flaky skin around your nose with Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream.
Blotchy red skin is a common symptom of hayfever and can appear anywhere on the face and body. The first thing to reach for is an anti-histamine and then cool the skin using a cool compress or a body lotion/face cream which has been chilling in the fridge. When the initial reaction has calmed, and the redness and itchiness has gone, buff away left behind flakes and bumps with an exfoliant. The Aveeno range is very good for skin prone to allergies as it contains soothing oats and oat oil.
If you have sore hayfevery eyes on the morning of your wedding don't panic. Follow the steps above and when it comes to makeup, go easy on the eyes and put the focus on amazing glowing skin and a pop of colour on the lips. Use a light covering of concealor on the lids to bring down redness and mascara which is waterproof and designed for sensitive eyes.
Try Clinque High Impact Waterproof Mascara 

1 comment:

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