
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How to treat bumpy blotchy upper arms!

Next to makeup, the most common questions I get asked are around upper arms and in particular red, bumpy skin and how to get rid of it. If you are wearing a strapless dress you are going to want to make sure your arms look their best but don't panic, there are plenty of things you can do to improve things.
The main rule is to treat your upper arm skin the same way you would your face - so cleanse, exfoliate, treat and moisturise, just as per your facial routine.
The difference here is that we are going to exfoliate first, before you even get into the shower. The skin on your body can take a stronger exfoliant so I recommend using yours on dry skin. Spend some time massaging it in using circular motions towards the heart to improve circulation. Then, hop into the shower and rinse off using a mild shower gel.
Next up, treatment - I recommend something with a peel effect (don't panic, peel just means removing dry skin using chemical (fruit acids) rather than manual (scrub) methods. Try Bliss Peel Pads.
Finally, moisturise using a light cream, nothing thick that's likely to clog the pores.
Improving circulation is key so make sure to include arm exercises in your workout routine in the run up to the wedding - not only will it get the blood flowing which will increase oxygen to the skin but it will also give your arms better definition which will immediately improve the look of your arms. We'll be covering the best arm exercises to give you super sleek biceps & triceps in the coming weeks.
The last touch is to fake tan but with a very light touch! Use a formula designed to give just a glow rather than a full on tan and make sure its a very moisturising formula - the undertones of yellow will counteract the red on the arms and help balance out the colour. If tan is not an option, you can use a light dusting of yellow based powder, in a similar way to how you would cover a high colour on the cheeks.
Some products to try:
Body Scrub (to use dry) - Cocoa Brown Tough Stuff
Shower Gel - Bliss Blood Orange & Black Pepper, contains vitamin E and aloe which is healing for skin
Body Cream - Sanctuary Body Lotion
Tan - Lancome Flash Bronzer Leg Gel 

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